Saturday 5 March 2016


Sometimes, it is tough talking to Christians about planning. If you engage in planning and a lot of calculating, and you design a step by step approach to the accomplishment of your goals, some wonder if that agrees with faith. They feel that it is too logical. However, what they do not realise is that there is a powerful   connection between faith and planning. The scriptures say; “Write the vision and make it plain on tablet, that he may run who read it… But the just shall live by his faith.” The message is about faith, and it includes writing down your goals and plans.
Planning is the key to success.
Successful morning. for more


10703986_876562929035738_2871081061828333819_nLack of planning is a major reason for failure. Sitting down to plan is the key to success. Dr. Robert H. Schuller said he discovered the most people fail not because they planned to fail but because they failed to plan.
When you have discovered the secret of wealth building, you would realise that the major key to making money is planning. If you want to earn a million, but you do not have a plan, you may have only just a wish. You need to stop wishing and start planning and acting on your

Friday 4 March 2016

Shine: Success by strategy

Shine: Success by strategy: Let us draw another lesson from the scriptures. When Jesus spoke about the construction of a house and about warfare, he outlined the impo...

Thursday 3 March 2016


Lack of planning is a major reason for failure. Sitting down to plan is the key to success. Dr. Robert H. Schuller said he discovered the most people fail not because they planned to fail but because they failed to plan. When you have discovered the secret of wealth building, you would realise that the major key to making money is planning. If you want to earn a million, but you do not have a plan, you may have only just a wish. You need to stop wishing and start planning and acting on your plans. Sometimes, it is tough talking to Christians about planning. If you engage in plannin... more »Shine blogshine blog